Sunday, January 4, 2009

So this is Espana

When we arrived in Spain i couldn't believe how unremarkable it was. First of all, i didn't know it was basically desert. I think of Spain and i think of beautiful Spanish buildings and green rolling hills and romance and reds and bulls and all that good stuff. But here in Madrid i have to say i was underwhelmed. The buildings are all the same brick color and outside of the city its rows and rows of what looks like public housing, but its just apartment buildings, all identical. The ground is brown and yellow and sandy.
Luckily, we are working outside of Madrid in a little old town called San Martin De Valdeiglasias. On the way the roads were lined with hundred year-old olive trees. The terrain is flat. FLAT FLAT FLAT. The benefit is that you can see for miles and miles... all the way to mountains in the far distance. We passed over the only river/lake/body of water in the entire province... and you can see i was just so excited.


Clusterfly said...

Happy New Year Erin! enjoy the flatlands of Spain

nisla said...

We just watched GHI in Callao, Peru - were there for that one? Did you get to see the little boys reflection in the cabinet? They're going to play the one in Denmark next. How exciting!!!
Does it seem like a long time ago for you?

nisla said...

ooops sorry, they're in New Zealand now . . you weren't there for that one were you?